
These characters were grown using 3 colors of K12 E-coli bacteria stabs, streaked onto agar plates and incubated.  

Streaked bacteria palettes day 7

After the bacteria begins to fluoresce on the plate (palette), I began to paint characters on blank agar plates.

Streaked agar plates day 1

The process is much like painting with invisible ink. The initial streak is not visible beyond pressure indentations on the plate.

Streaked agar plates day 7

After 7 warm days, the characters begin to show themselves. 


Streaked agar plates day 14

After 14 days, the bacteria was no longer alone. Mold from the air and my hands started to form on the characters’ interiors. At first I was worried the mold and the bacteria would fight, but soon they started to hug.

Bacteria (right) and mold (left) sharing a kiss